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Posts in Foundation

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The Spring 2021 Herald is Here!

Eastern Christian’s The Herald is a great look at the past 6 months at EC. It includes news from all school campuses, foundation news, alumni news, upcoming events and more! The Herald is a fantastic way for alumni and members of the current school community to learn more about what’s going on at EC. Check out the…

Golf Outing Highlights 2020

  2020 has been full of surprises, including a rain-free day for the 2020 EC Golf Outing! Rain at the annual outing has become somewhat of a joke among many - and this year was a pleasant surprise with a beautiful fall day.  On Monday, October 19, 2020, 114 golfers came together at Wild Turkey…

The Fall 2020 Herald is Here!

Eastern Christian’s The Herald is a great look at the past 6 months at EC. It includes news from all school campuses, foundation news, alumni news, upcoming events and more! The Herald is a fantastic way for alumni and members of the current school community to learn more about what’s going on at EC. Check out the…

EC Beefsteak 101

If you're like me, you had never heard of a "Beefsteak" before joining the EC Community. If you're like me, as soon as you experience this weird, wonderful opulent feast, you will never want to miss another. History The Beefsteak is a hyper-local tradition (wikipedia). Started by our friends in Brooklyn in the mid 1800's,…

We Found The Beef!

The EC community braved some of the coldest temperatures of the year last Wednesday and made their way to The Brownstone in Paterson, NJ. This year we had 52 more guests than last year and there were many new faces in the crowd. Better attendance was not the only thing that was different this year.…

Homecoming 2018

Eastern Christian students, faculty, alumni and friends had another spectacular HomEComing weekend on October 19 and 20, 2018. We began the weekend with a new event this year:  Alumni & Friends Golf at Wallkill Golf Club. A cold morning start would not discourage our 40 golfers.  The clear skies and bright sunshine made it a…

Denim & Diamonds Auction Gala

Over 260 individuals attended the 2015 Denim & Diamonds Auction Gala, Thursday, April 9 at The Tides Estate in North Haledon which raised $56,000 for Eastern Christian School. Thank you to our sponsors, auction committee members, cashiers, student volunteers, and attendees who supported this exciting fundraising event. The evening featured a delicious buffet dinner and…

Fall 2014 Herald Now Available Online

Eastern Christian's Herald is a great look at the past 6 months at EC. It includes news from all three school campuses, foundation news, alumni news, upcoming events and more! The Herald is a fantastic way for alumni and members of the current school community to learn more about what's going on at EC. Check…

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