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Sheri’ Blands-Pearson
High School Office Manager

Please Tell us about yourself.
I was born in Harlem, NYC where I spent 8 years and then moved to and grew up in Englewood, NJ. I married my good friend from church, Owen and we have a daughter, Jordyn and a son, Justin. We also have fur babies as part of the family. I love puzzles, Sudoku, board games, card games, badminton, ping pong, water parks, roller coasters and outings with my family.

How did God bring you to work at EC?
As the Lord sometimes works, He brought me to EC with blinders on. I obtained an M.A. in Forensic Psychology and ended up in a corporate Human Resources role before joining EC. Outside of volunteering at church, I had never worked in a ministry environment and once at EC, I realized I was where I belonged, vowing to never return to secular corporate work. There’s nothing more fulfilling than participating in the shaping and development of a young person. I was called away from EC for almost two years and worked as an Executive Editor for a ministry until God said it was time for me to return to EC. I never wanted to leave EC but He showed me why He moved me and I then understood what He was doing. Eventually, in His timing and when I completed what He needed to show me, He fulfilled my desire to return to EC. Praise God!

Why Eastern Christian School?
School years can be both exciting and perplexing. I have seen God work in the lives of EC students during both joyful and challenging times. There’s a sense of care and love amongst the student body, faculty and staff. But what about the tough times. James 1:2-3 talks about facing trials that will test your faith and produce perseverance. Some experience frustration, despair, brokenness, fear, disappointment and on and on. But what are we to do with all of it? What does God want us to learn? Forgiveness. Ask for it…give it. Light overpowers darkness and there’s an overwhelming desire in the atmosphere to be that light through understanding, love, listening and caring. I’ve seen the passion in them. God is certainly at work in the lives of the students at EC.

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